Devasting Loss & Renewal
In 2004, a devastating auto accident claimed the lives of our beloved daughter Melissa, her husband Dylan, and seriously injured their young son. This heartbreaking loss prompted me to reflect on the plight of orphaned children around the world who lack the family network and resources to forge a brighter path in life. A serendipitous
encounter in 2012 with Dr. Don LaFont, a dedicated pediatrician, and Lynn Anton, a medical professional who’s now led over 50 medical missions to Haiti, ignited a spark within me and we journeyed together on a health mission to Haiti. This was just two years after the catastrophic 2010 earthquake, which devastated the island and took an estimated 500,000 lives. Entire families were torn apart, countless individuals were severely injured, and a significant population of orphaned children emerged from the tragedy. The desire to make a more substantial impact for the Haitian people was strong, even though the precise path to take was uncertain.
Creating Melissa's Place
Melissa's Place, purposefully designed for up to 20 girls, provides a nurturing haven and support network. Its cornerstone is self-sufficiency. The girls learn how to cultivate their own food, leveraging surplus produce to bolster their self-sufficiency by selling any surplus to local families, effectively perpetuating a cycle of empowerment and self-reliance.
In the wake of a tragic loss that forever altered my life, I found solace and inspiration in channeling my energy towards providing a better future for orphans in Haiti. The story of Melissa, Dylan, and their son ignited a catalyst for positive change. Together, we are building more than an orphanage, but a haven of opportunity, empowerment, and self-sufficiency for the young souls of Beaumont, Haiti.
Haiti & Father Garry
In 2013, we journeyed again to Haiti and the capital city Port-au-Prince, journeying to remote clinics in the southwest region of Haiti where Dr. Don and Lynn had individually established medical facilities through our respective churches. This was where I (Jerry) first encountered Father Garry, Lynn’s longtime friend and the initial priest she partnered with in Haiti.
Father Garry, a dedicated priest who had successfully established and managed orphanages for both boys and girls. I(Jerry) explored the three orphanages that Father Garry and Lynn had established. The self-sustaining model and invaluable life skills instilled in the children left a profound impression on all of us, and this inspired us to team up with Father Garry to establish a new girl’s orphanage in the remote mountainous region in the Southwest called Beaumont. Father Garry is a true miracle worker who excels in achieving remarkable results with minimal resources. His servant's heart and proactive approach to projects set him apart. After careful planning and fervent prayers, we began building Melissa's Place in 2014, and our first girls settled into Melissa’s Place in 2016.
The Video Story of Melissa's Place
This video below helps tell the story of how Melissa, Dylan, and their son’s story ignited a collaborative endeavor to construct more than just an orphanage – it led to the establishment of a nurturing haven of opportunities, known as Melissa’s Place in Beaumont, where young souls can thrive.