Greetings Friends of Melissa’s Place, Hoping this finds you and yours are healthy and happy during these unusual times. We thought you would enjoy hearing from Father Garry directly and his goals for Melissa's Place. Personally, I was inspired on my first visit to Father Garry’s boys' orphanage in Jeremie, Haiti, called Notre Dame. What I saw was not just a place where boys and girls were being cared for. It was also a thriving enterprise where young people work to help support themselves while learning skills that will benefit them after leaving the orphanage. When asked to help him build a new girls’ orphanage near Georgette, Haiti, I agreed to do so on the condition that it be patterned after that orphanage. I recently asked Father Garry to let me know how Melissa’s Place was progressing towards becoming more independent. Below is his translated (from Haitian Creole) response: ———————————————- Jeremie, Haiti - August 20, 2020 Dear Jerry, Lynn, and the wonderful Friends of Melissa's Place -
I was delayed in responding to your email of July 24 due to my preparations for the feast of St Helena in August. First, we want to thank you for always thinking of us in good times and bad. Special thanks to Lynn Anton for interpreting our emails and for her personal and her company’s financial support.
Regarding Covid, the staff and girls have not been affected to date. We are safe! The girls went back to school four days ago. We now have (9) girls living full time at Melissa’s Place and seven (7) day students. There is a need for us to have more but this number is all our budget can support for now.
In your letter you spoke of how you were impressed with how the children were able to support themselves at our Norte Dame orphanage in Jeremie. It is our desire to also see the girls of Melissa’s Place develop some degree of self sufficiency. Currently, the girls are growing some food for themselves. There are other projects we think possible in time: 1. Expansion of the community garden on the current property. 2. Sell crafts and goods the girls learn to make and sew. 3. Establish a community food store like our Norte Dame orphanage in Jeremie. 4. Buy chickens to breed. We can sell eggs from the community store to the people of Georgette and Jeremie. Other longer term possibilities and needs are a local school and medical dispensary. There is no medical facility in the immediate area. Finally, we would like to thank you for your offer to provide us with sewing machines. Many thanks! We thank all of those who have contributed to building Melissa’s Place and helping it to grow.
We pray for you and God bless you. Father Jean Garry Pierre Louis (Father Garry)
A special note of thanks to our supporter Gerry Waters for helping secure the first treadle sewing machine. The reason the machines must be treadle(manual) is that the orphanage has no electricity. The sewing machine will be shipped i
n a container with other donated items in the spring of 2021. We have learned that a machine in Haiti can be purchased for the same amount as we pay in the states so we will look to purchase more locally.
If anyone would like to have their donation directed specifically towards the purchase of a machine, please indicate this on your check or Email me directly. The machines will not only provide a source of income for the orphanage but most importantly the girls will learn a valuable skill.